Therapists Houston: Here's How to Find the Best Fit For You

Takeaway: Deciding to start therapy is a big decision. Figuring out which therapist is right for you is just as important. As a therapist myself, I know how daunting this can be. That’s why I put together this guide.

therapists houston

Here, I’ll lay out the process of finding a therapist in Houston and offer my top tips for determining which provider is the best fit for your needs. My goal is to help all therapy-seekers feel more confident and empowered about the process. 

Understanding your needs

Whether you're new to therapy or looking to restart the process, it can feel intimidating and overwhelming trying to find a therapist for you. And not just any therapist: one who's the right fit for you, your needs, and your goals for counseling.

There are a lot of different factors to consider, but taking it step by step can help make the process more accessible.

I recommend starting by carving out some time to reflect on where you're at. What's driving you to seek therapy at this time? What are you hoping to get out of the experience? How do you want to feel when you meet with your therapist?

Getting clear on your intentions for therapy can provide you with direction through your search. Plus, if you're feeling lost at any point, you can always return to what you identified during this reflection. It's okay for your thoughts and feelings to change over time, but knowing you have this solid starting point can be helpful.

Deciding the type of therapist & therapy you’re looking for

Now that you have clarity about what you're looking for, it's time to start looking for a therapist. Let’s break down the kinds of factors you should consider when researching Houston therapists.

Therapist's credentials

therapists in houston

While "therapist" is a blanket term for any kind of mental health professional, there are actually many different kinds of therapists.

During your search, you might see the following types of therapists.

  • Licensed clinical social worker

  • Licensed professional counselor

  • Licensed marriage and family therapist

  • Clinical psychologist

These designations are based on the type of graduate degree a therapist has, along with their specific license through the state in which they work. Each of these types of therapists are highly trained professionals, though there are some slight differences in their framework. You may want to look into each kind of therapist to see whether you have a preference for a particular one.

You'll also want to consider the therapy services that each therapist provides. Some offer relationship counseling or couples counseling while others may only offer individual therapy. Other types of therapists may provide family counseling, addiction treatment, sex therapy, or group therapy.

Methods and approaches

Each therapist has their own unique approach. Many counselors use a blend of different therapeutic techniques, often tailoring treatment to your specific situation.

Here are some examples of therapeutic methods you can choose from.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR)

  • Psychodynamic therapy

  • Solution-focused brief therapy

  • Internal family systems therapy (IFS)

These are just a few of your options. I recommend looking into each approach to see if one resonates with you more than another.

houston counselor

Therapeutic relationship

Beyond your therapist's credentials and approach, it's also important to consider the therapeutic relationship. In my experience as a Houston therapist, the connection between client and clinician is one of the most crucial components of effective therapy.

Of course, the therapeutic relationship is built over time. However, you can get a feel for a therapist's energy based on their website, directory profile, or even their professional social media account.

Some therapists might have a warm, gentle approach to therapy. Others might be more direct or serious. Neither is right or wrong, but it's important to pay attention to how they come across and whether or not you connect with them.

You'll get a better feel for this once you have your initial consultation, but you can often get a good read before you reach out to schedule.

Logistical factors to consider

houston therapists

Once you've narrowed down the kind of professional and type of therapy you're looking for, you can think about the logistics of actually meeting with a therapist. Here are a few factors to consider.

In-person vs. online therapy

When you're looking for Houston therapy services, think about whether you'd prefer to meet online or in person. Some therapists offer both options, while others may only offer one or the other.

As a virtual therapist myself, I can attest to the power of online therapy. You can join sessions from anywhere (including the comfort of your own home), and this convenience can make scheduling much easier.

Plus, this expands your options. If you choose virtual therapy, you'll be able to choose therapists who are located throughout the entire state of Texas, not just in Houston itself.


Therapy is an investment of time, energy, and resources: including money. It's important to consider the financial responsibility of working with a therapist so you can know what to expect and plan accordingly.

Some therapists work directly with insurance companies so you can use your benefits to help pay for therapy. However, this entails sharing your sensitive information with your insurance company. You'll also risk getting pushback about the length, frequency, and duration of sessions.

therapist in houston

Using your out-of-network benefits can give you some more flexibility, especially when it comes to choosing a therapist. I recommend contacting your insurance company to better understand what your out-of-network mental health benefits are.

Scheduling and availability

Finally, it's essential to make sure that a prospective therapist's openings line up with your schedule. Otherwise, it will be more challenging to meet regularly and make progress toward your goals.

Keep in mind that this might call for some flexibility on your end. If you find your dream therapist but they only have an opening that's not at your ideal time, what can you shift in your schedule to prioritize your mental health?

Navigating initial consultations with Houston therapists

houston therapy

After you've created a shortlist of potential therapists in Houston, TX, you can schedule consultations with each one. Most therapists offer free consultations that typically range from 10-30 minutes. Talking with prospective clinicians before you choose one will help you make the most informed decision possible.

Here are some topics to pay attention to during your consultations.

Share your needs

During your consultation, you'll tell the prospective therapist a bit about what's led you to seek their help. You don't need to share details but provide enough information to help the therapist get a sense of whether they can help you.

You'll also discuss what you hope to get out of therapy and explain the type of approach you're looking for.

houston psychologist

Ask questions

This is also the perfect time to ask questions. What's their scheduling availability? Do they have experience helping people with similar challenges to the ones you're facing? Feel free to bring up any other questions that can help you make a decision about which therapist you'd like to work with.

Get a feel for their energy

Earlier in this post, we discussed the importance of the therapeutic relationship. Talking to a potential therapist during your consultation can help solidify whether you connect with them. For many people, this can be the deciding factor of which therapist to choose.

Reach out today to see if I’m the right Houston therapist for you

As the the owner and founder of Balanced Minds Therapy, I provide virtual services to people living in Houston, TX and throughout the entire state. While I can help people with a wide range of mental health issues, I specialize in supporting people who struggle with people-pleasing, perfectionism, and poor boundaries. I also specialize in supporting adult women with undiagnosed ADHD. Here are some signs that you might struggle with these challenges.

therapist houston

I take a compassionate counseling approach, using methods like CBT and interpersonal therapy to help people better understand themselves and work through relationship issues. I offer both individual therapy and marriage counseling.

You can learn more about me here, and if it sounds like we might be a good fit, you can schedule your free consultation here. I look forward to hearing from you! 


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